






Congratulations! Befrienders Muar on celebrating her 5th Anniversary and Charity Dinner 3.3.18. A Befrienders Centre like Befrienders Muar to survive and sustain is not easily achieved and yet Befrienders Muar make it happens! Kudos to the leadership under the Charter President Ananda Ma and the whole cheerful, co-operative and committed team members.
Befrienders Muar is the youngest, youthful and growing centre among our eight servicing Befrienders centres in Malaysia. The newly set-up centre, Befrienders Kuching which would be the ninth centres in Malaysia will tentatively start its operation in April, 2018.
Befrienders provide free and confidential befriending services, ranging from telephone helplines, face-to-face to digital emails and WhatsApp messages. Befrienders centres open from a minimum 3-hour to a 24-hour befriending services daily and throughout the year! We are non-governmental, non-racial, non-sectarian and non-profitable organisations.
All Befrienders spend their time and effort voluntarily to lend listening ears to anyone in need. Befrienders listen with patience, care and concern, empathically, attentively, actively and non-judgmentally. Befrienders Malaysia work independently and closely with all centres under the big umbrella of Befrienders Worldwide. Callers who are suicidal, depressed, lonely or feel the need to talk to someone, please do feel free to reach out to Befrienders Malaysia.
Alone We Can Do So Little; Together We Can Do So Much! (Helen Keller)
Thank you very much to the Organising Committee, Befrienders Muar, Well-Wishers, Supporters and Participants from All Walks of Life in Our Community who directly or indirectly engaged in making this 5th Anniversary Celebrations and Charity Dinner a success! Making it possible for Befrienders Muar A Leap Forward To Serve our Community Towards An Emotional Well-Being Society!

Let’s go with the flow mindfully!

Gangadara Vadivel Sinndurai PPN 献词

Warm Greetings and Best Wishes from Befrienders Malaysia.

We feel honoured to convey our congratulations and best wishes to Befrienders Muar on the auspicious occasion of its 5th anniversary. This joyous event commemorates the significant progress and achievements by the organisation since its formation in 2013.

From its humble beginnings as an emotional support telephone helpline, Befrienders Muar has progressed steadily to become endeared to the community through its emotional support services, outreach projects, visits to schools, social events and networking activities. It has decided to offer face-to-face and email befriending services in its efforts to extend emotional support to the despairing. It has deservedly earned the respect and admiration of the community.

We truly appreciate the cooperation and support extended by Befrienders Muar through its active involvement in the activities of the National Council of Befrienders Malaysia and the member centres.

Volunteers are the centre’s greatest assets. We congratulate the leadership and the wonderful team of well-trained, active and dedicated volunteers for the success of the centre. In terms of leadership, we pay tribute to founder members, Mr Ananda Ma and Mr Koh Chai Siang who continue to lead the organisation so capably, in spite of the many challenges faced. They have made immense contribution to the organisation.

The great support from you, the friends and well-wishers from all sections of the community, is very much valued and appreciated. We look forward to your continued support as the centre forges ahead.

Befrienders Malaysia looks forward to working closely with Befrienders Muar in raising awareness for mental health and suicide prevention.

We convey our best wishes to the Befrienders Muar Team for a very successful event.


Gangadara Vadivel Sinndurai PPN
Hon Advisor
Befrienders Malaysia

Pehin Seri 拿督斯里刘建利医生太平局绅 献词







精神健康问题已成为当前重要的健康问题和社会问题,并对人口健康和社会经济发展带来了巨大的影响。 然而,很多精神障碍患者及家属缺乏精神健康知识,没有认识到抑郁症、躁郁症、精神分裂症、焦虑症等精神疾病的危害,或者害怕受到偏见的歧视,讳疾忌医。



政府应该一直不断的对广大社会做出适当的精神心理健康教育,从治本的工作来缓解现代人的精神压力,引导和启发人们早发现、早诊断、 早治疗、早康复。

在此我要呼吁政府必需积极投资在精神健康教育这项治本的工作,让人民受到良好的精神心理健康教育,在精神上有独立性和自主性,能够很好的把握环境和现实,积极面对人生和自我的状态。世界卫生组织提出了三个精神健康的标准,就是“三个良好”— 良好的个性人格、良好的处世能力和良好的人际关系。只有正确的人生观、价值观才能知道如何解开束缚、奔向光明。这就是精神心理健康教育的价值取向,也是所有从事精神健康教育的组织,包括心灵扶助协会 Befrienders,所应当承担的历史使命和责任所在。

健康不仅是没有疾病,而是包括躯体健康、心理健康、社会适应良好和道德健康。1989年联合国世界卫生组织对健康的定义是 — 健康的人,需有健康的心!



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